Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mustache Mincers, Islam85, Planet Vegeta and more!

Since the last time I bothered to update the blog a lot has happened! The Mustache Mincers 10"s have arrived, both the Planet Vegeta and Islam85 tapes came out I have my copies of the Agathocles/Jeffrey Dahmer split CS!

Over a year in the making this manly mustachioed masterpiece is FINALLY out! Nineteen punishing tracks spewed out by twelve bands from all over the world!
 Limited to 500 copies on random mixed vinyl, most of them are purple/pink, some copies on blue exist ,unfortunately I don't have any of those. Each copy comes with a 3x3 patch.
Co-release with Pan Del Muerte Records!
The next two tapes didn't take as long to come out and I think they came out great! These are also the first two releases that I had j cards pro-printed and it was well worth the money! As always the tapes were duplicated and assembled at TEG headquarters, otherwise known as my cramped as shit bedroom.
Throw some fed-the-fuck-up Noothgrush inspired powerviolence into a blender with a little bit of misanthropic-stonergrind and a dual vocal attack, you have Islam85! Limited to 100 copies, comes with a download card.

first 25 orders get a free hand screened beer koozie!
Drum & bass rockviolence, equally influenced by Dragon Ball Z and Lightening Bolt, this is the auditory equivalent of a Spirit Bomb. Each tape comes with a button, limited to 60 copies.
Agathocles needs no introduction but I know there are some of you out there who are still unfamiliar with these Belgian legends, so here ya go. Since 1985 these mince masters have spewed out well over 200 releases (probably close to 300 at this point) with countless bands from all over the world. After all this time they haven't slowed down one bit and they continue to release awesome and original material. Lately they've tuned down the mince and have been playing a more straight forward grind/d-beat style (Split 10" with Vomit Fall comes to mind, and more recently the split with Maximum Thrash). Jeffrey Dahmer, hailing from Indonesia, are a relatively new band (been around since '11) but have already cranked out tons of releases and already have a shit load more planned! These dudes tear their side the fuck up with some raw-nasty-straight-to-the-point-crusty-grind! I've listened to this almost daily since I first got the masters a couple months ago and I still love it.
Limited to 150 copies, 100 on white/50 on black, co-release with Riotous Outburst Records.

that's it for new releases for the moment, here's what's coming up!

Disleksick/Gorgonized Dorks split 7" HUGE co-release (kind of like the SBB LP) with Blistered Mind, 665 Tapes & Records, Coffin Crawl Records, Coffee Grinder Records, Urine Soaked Rag Records, Robot Lust Records, Gothic Gospel Records and possibly a couple more? This will be limited to 300 copies, I should have mine in a few days.
Couple Skate/Faction Disaster split CS
Blunt Guts- Sickness/Torture/Death CS

There are some more releases, new and others that have been in the works for a while, but I'm not going to bother posting about those right now. This blog is always 10 steps behind the webstore and facebook so if you want this news while it's fresh, check those pages!